
RxJS: Avoiding takeUntil Leaks

May 27, 2018 • 4 minute read

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Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Using the takeUntil operator to automatically unsubscribe from an observable is a mechanism that’s explained in Ben Lesh’s Don’t Unsubscribe article.

It’s also the basis of a generally-accepted pattern for unsubscribing upon an Angular component’s destruction.

For the mechanism to be effective, operators have to be applied in a specific sequence. And, recently, I’ve seen code that used the takeUntil operator, but applied operators in a sequence that effected subscription leaks.

Let’s look at the problem sequence and at the reason for the leaks.

What’s the problem sequence?

If the takeUntil operator is placed before an operator that involves a subscription to another observable source, the subscription to that source might not be unsubscribed when takeUntil receives its notification.

For example, this use of combineLatest will leak the subscription to b:

import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { combineLatest, takeUntil } from "rxjs/operators";

declare const a: Observable<number>;
declare const b: Observable<number>;
declare const notifier: Observable<any>;

const c = a
  .pipe(takeUntil(notifier), combineLatest(b))
  .subscribe((value) => console.log(value));

And this use of switchMap will also leak the subscription to b:

import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { switchMap, takeUntil } from "rxjs/operators";

declare const a: Observable<number>;
declare const b: Observable<number>;
declare const notifier: Observable<any>;

const c = a
    switchMap((_) => b)
  .subscribe((value) => console.log(value));

Why does it leak?

The reason for the leak is more apparent when the deprecated combineLatest operator is replaced with the static combineLatest factory function, like this:

import { combineLatest, Observable } from "rxjs";
import { takeUntil } from "rxjs/operators";

declare const a: Observable<number>;
declare const b: Observable<number>;
declare const notifier: Observable<any>;

const c = a
  .pipe(takeUntil(notifier), (o) => combineLatest(o, b))
  .subscribe((value) => console.log(value));

When the notifier emits, the observable returned by the takeUntil operator completes, automatically unsubscribing any subscribers.

However, the subscriber to c is not subscribed to the observable returned by takeUntil — it’s subscribed to the observable returned by combineLatest — so it’s not automatically unsubscribed upon the takeUntil observable’s completion.

The subscriber to c will remain subscribed until all of the observables passed to combinedLast complete. So, unless b completed before the notifier emitted, the subscription to b would leak.

To avoid the problem, the general rule is that takeUntil should be the last operator in the sequence:

import { combineLatest, Observable } from "rxjs";
import { takeUntil } from "rxjs/operators";

declare const a: Observable<number>;
declare const b: Observable<number>;
declare const notifier: Observable<any>;

const c = a
  .pipe((o) => combineLatest(o, b), takeUntil(notifier))
  .subscribe((value) => console.log(value));

Arranged this way, when the notifier emits, the subscriber to c will be automatically unsubscribed — as the observable returned by takeUntil will complete — and the takeUntil implementation will unsubscribe from the observable returned by combineLatest which, in turn, will unsubscribe from both a and b.

Using TSLint to avoid the problem

If you’re using the takeUntil mechanism to effect indirect unsubscription, you can ensure that it’s always the last operator passed to pipe by enabling the rxjs-no-unsafe-takeuntil rule that I’ve added to rxjs-tslint-rules package.

An update

The general rule is for takeUntil to be placed last. However, there are some situations in which you might want want use it as the second-last operator.

RxJS includes several operators that emit a value when the source observable to which they are applied completes. For example, when their sources complete, count emits a count of the values emitted by the source and toArray emits an accumulated array of values.

When an observable completes due to takeUntil, operators like count and toArray will only emit a value if they are placed after the takeUntil operator.

Additionally, there is another operator that you should place after takeUntil: the shareReplay operator.

The current implementation of shareReplay has a bug/feature: it will never unsubscribe from its source. It will remain subscribed until its source errors or completes — for more information, see this PR — so placing takeUntil after shareReplay will be ineffectual.

The TSLint rule mentioned above is aware of these exceptions to the general rule and won’t effect unwarranted failures.

In RxJS version 6.4.0, shareReplay was changed so that its reference counting behaviour can be specified via a config parameter. If reference counting is specified, shareReplay can be safely placed before takeUntil.

For more information, see this article.

Nicholas Jamieson’s personal blog.
Mostly articles about RxJS, TypeScript and React.

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