
RxJS: Closed Subjects

February 06, 2018 • 4 minute read

Closed sign
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

This article looks at the unsubscribe method of Subject — and its derived classes — as it has some surprising behaviour.


If you look at the signature for Observable.prototype.subscribe, you’ll see that it returns a Subscription. And if you’ve used observables, you will be familiar with calling the subscription’s unsubscribe method. However, a subscription contains more than just the unsubscribe method.

In particular, the Subscription class implements the SubscriptionLike interface:

export interface SubscriptionLike extends AnonymousSubscription {
  unsubscribe(): void;
  readonly closed: boolean;

Where AnonymousSubscription is the same interface, but without the read-only closed property.

The closed property indicates whether or not the subscription has been unsubscribed — either manually or automatically (if the observable completes or errors).

Subscribers and unsubscription

Interestingly, what’s actually returned from a call to subscribe is an instance of the Subscriber class — which extends the Subscription class.

Like the subscribe method, the Subscriber class can be passed a partial observer or individual next, error and complete callback functions.

The primary purpose of a Subscriber is to ensure the observer methods or callback functions are called only if they are specified and to ensure that they are not called after unsubscribe is called or the source observable completes or errors.

It’s possible to create a Subscriber instance and pass it in a subscribe call — as Subscriber implements the Observer interface. The Subscriber will track subscriptions that are effected from such subscribe calls and unsubscribe can be called on either the Subscriber or the returned Subscription.

It’s also possible to pass the instance in more than one subscribe call and calling unsubscribe on the Subscriber will unsubscribe it from all observables to which it is subscribed and mark it as closed. Here, calling unsubscribe will unsubscribe it from both one and two:

import { interval, Subscriber } from "rxjs";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";

const one = interval(1000).pipe(map((value) => `one(${value})`));
const two = interval(2000).pipe(map((value) => `two(${value})`));

const subscriber = new Subscriber<string>((value) => console.log(value));

So what does this have to do with subjects? Well, subjects behave differently.


A subject is both an observer and an observable. The Subject class extends the Observable class and implements the Observer interface. It also implements the SubscriptionLike interface — so subjects have a read-only closed property and an unsubscribe method.

Its implementation of SubscriptionLike suggests that — as with a Subscriber — it ought to be possible to subscribe and unsubscribe a Subject, like this:

import { interval, Subject } from "rxjs";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";

const one = interval(1000).pipe(map((value) => `one(${value})`));
const two = interval(2000).pipe(map((value) => `two(${value})`));

const subject = new Subject<string>();
subject.subscribe((value) => console.log(value));


However, an error will be effected:

ObjectUnsubscribedError: object unsubscribed
  at new ObjectUnsubscribedError
  at Subject.next
  at SubjectSubscriber.Subscriber.\_next
  at SubjectSubscriber.Subscriber.next
  at MapSubscriber.\_next
  at MapSubscriber.Subscriber.next
  at AsyncAction.IntervalObservable.dispatch
  at AsyncAction.\_execute
  at AsyncAction.execute
  at AsyncScheduler.flush

Why? Well, the unsubscribe method in the Subject class doesn’t actually unsubscribe anything. Instead, it marks the subject as closed and sets its internal array subscribed observers — Subject extends Observable, remember — to null.

Subjects track the observers that are subscribed to the subject, but unlike subscribers, they do not track the observables to which the subject itself is subscribed — so subjects are unable to unsubscribe themselves from their sources.

So why does the error occur? The error is thrown by the subject when its next, error or complete method is called once it has been marked as closed and the behaviour is by design:

If you want the subject to loudly and angrily error when you next to it after it’s done being useful, you can call unsubscribe directly on the subject instance itself. — Ben Lesh

The behaviour means that if you call unsubscribe on a subject, you have to be sure that it has either been unsubscribed from its sources or that the sources have completed or errored.


Given that the behaviour is so surprising, you might want to disallow — or be warned of — calls to unsubscribe on subjects. If you do, my rxjs-tslint-rules package includes a rule that does just that: rxjs-no-subject-unsubscribe.

The rule also prevents subjects from being passed to a subscription’s add method — a method that will be the subject of a future article on subscription composition.

Nicholas Jamieson’s personal blog.
Mostly articles about RxJS, TypeScript and React.

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