
RxJS: Composing Subscriptions

February 16, 2018 • 5 minute read

Matryoshka dolls
Photo by Bradley Davis on Flickr

RxJS code involves making subscriptions to observables. Lots of subscriptions.

If each subscription is assigned to its own variable or property, the situation can be difficult to manage.

Fortunately, there are techniques — such as using takeUntil or takeWhile — that make dealing with subscriptions much easier. If you’re not familiar with the techniques, you should read Don’t Unsubscribe.

However, there are situations in which you still need to deal with subscriptions. For example, it’s sometimes necessary to manage subscriptions when writing operators.

Let’s look at subscriptions and at how subscription composition can be used to simplify some user-land operators.

What is a subscription?

The Subscription class and its related types look like this:

interface AnonymousSubscription {
  unsubscribe(): void;

type TeardownLogic = AnonymousSubscription | Function | void;

interface SubscriptionLike extends AnonymousSubscription {
  unsubscribe(): void;
  readonly closed: boolean;

class Subscription implements SubscriptionLike {
  closed: boolean = false;
  constructor(unsubscribe?: () => void) {
  unsubscribe(): void {
  add(teardown: TeardownLogic): Subscription {
  remove(subscription: Subscription) {

A Subscription instance is what’s returned from a call to subscribe and, most of the time, it’s only the subscription’s unsubscribe method that’s called. However, the Subscription class also has add and remove methods.

The add method can be used to add a child subscription — or a tear-down function — to a parent subscription. When a parent subscription is unsubscribed, any child subscriptions that were added to it are also unsubscribed.

The remove method removes a child subscription from a parent — something that you’re unlikely to need to do when composing subscriptions. However, the method does have a purpose: when a child unsubscribes, it removes itself from its parent.

Let’s have look to see how add can be used to simplify a user-land operator.

Adding subscriptions

Here is an implementation of a pipeable operator that I call subsequent:

function subsequent<T>(
  count: number,
  operator: (source: Observable<T>) => Observable<T>
): (source: Observable<T>) => Observable<T> {
  return (source: Observable<T>) =>
    new Observable<T>((observer) => {
      const published = source.pipe(publish()) as ConnectableObservable<T>;
      const concatenated = concat(
      const concatSubscription = concatenated.subscribe(observer);
      const connectSubscription = published.connect();
      return () => {

The subsequent operator mirrors the source and allows the first count notifications to flow through unchanged, but applies the specified operator to all subsequent notifications.

It works by using publish to obtain a hot observable that mirrors the source and then uses concat to ensure subscriptions to the initial and subsequent observables occur in a particular order.

There are two subscriptions: one is made to the concatenated observable; and another is made to the published observable — via the call to connect.

The tear-down function returned — from the function passed to Observable.create — needs to call unsubscribe on both subscriptions.

This can be made a little simpler using subscription composition:

function subsequent<T>(
  count: number,
  operator: (source: Observable<T>) => Observable<T>
): (source: Observable<T>) => Observable<T> {
  return (source: Observable<T>) =>
    new Observable<T>((observer) => {
      const published = source.pipe(publish()) as ConnectableObservable<T>;
      const concatenated = concat(
      const subscription = concatenated.subscribe(observer);
      return subscription;

Instead of using a variable to keep track of the subscription made to the published observable, it can be added to the subscription made to the concatenated observable.

And instead of returning a tear-down function, the function passed to Observable.create can return the subscription itself. Then, when a subscriber unsubscribes from the resultant observable, unsubscribe will be called on the subscription and the subscriptions to both the concatenated and published observables will be unsubscribed.

Creating explicit subscriptions

Subscriptions can be composed using a Subscription instance returned from a call to unsubscribe, but they can also be composed using explicitly-created subscriptions.

Here is an implementation of a pipeable operator that I call prioritize:

function prioritize<T, R>(
  selector: (
    prioritized: Observable<T>,
    deprioritized: Observable<T>
  ) => Observable<R>
): (source: Observable<T>) => Observable<R> {
  return (source: Observable<T>) =>
    new Observable<T>((observer) => {
      const published = publish<T>()(source) as ConnectableObservable<T>;
      const prioritized = new Subject<T>();
      const subscription = new Subscription();
      subscription.add(selector(prioritized, published).subscribe(observer));
      return subscription;

It calls a selector, passing two observables that mirror the source. However, the first observable is guaranteed to have been subscribed to the source first — so notifications from the first observable will occur before those from the second. This is sometimes useful when composing the notification observables needed by operators like bufferWhen.

There are several subscriptions that occur in this implementation and instead of adding to a subscription returned from a call to subscribe, the implementation creates an explicit parent Subscription and adds the child subscriptions to it.


Something to be aware of, when composing subscriptions, is that the unsubscription order can be important.

For example, if prioritze were to have this simpler implementation, it would have a bug:

const published = publish<T>()(source) as ConnectableObservable<T>;
const prioritized = new Subject<T>();
const subscription = published.subscribe(prioritized);
subscription.add(selector(prioritized, published).subscribe(observer));
return subscription;

Here, the subscription returned is the subscription made when the prioritized subject is subscribed to the published observable — not the subscription made to the observable to which the observer is subscribed.

The introduced bug is this:

  • When the source completes, the completion notification is first received by the prioritized subject, which then unsubscribes.
  • When the prioritized subject unsubscribes, it also unsubscribes the subscription to observable returned by the selector.
  • The observable returned by the selector will not have received the complete notification, so the observer will not have received it either. That means the complete notification from the source will not have been mirrored.

As a general rule, if you have several subscriptions in a user-land operator and are using subscription composition, you should use an explicit, parent Subscription instance.

Nicholas Jamieson’s personal blog.
Mostly articles about RxJS, TypeScript and React.

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