
📰 More Lint Rules

August 19, 2020 • 1 minute read

Okay, so this is my first email newsletter. Hi.

I’m aiming to send an email, like this one, on a weekly basis. The emails will contains links to blog posts that I’ve written in the week gone by.

I figure that if what I have to say isn’t interesting enough for a blog post, it’s unlikely to be something anyone would want to read in an email.

I’ve written two posts in the past week: the first on lint rules; and the second on bundling CommonJS modules into ES modules.

The two lint rules were written in response to tweets that showed up in my timeline, last week. There’s a TypeScript rule and a React rule and they’re detailed in this post: More Lint Rules.

The other post explains the quick workaround that I used to add ES module support to the rxjs-spy distribution — to avoid the can cause-optimization-bailouts warning in Angular 10. You can find the post here: Bundling CommonJS into an ES module.

Nicholas Jamieson’s personal blog.
Mostly articles about RxJS, TypeScript and React.

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