
RxJS: Understanding the publish and share Operators

August 23, 2017 • 15 minute read

Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

I’m often asked questions that relate to the publish operator:

What’s the difference between publish and share?

How do I use the refCount operator?

When should I use an AsyncSubject?

Let’s answer these questions — and more — by starting with the basics.

A mental model for multicasting

Multicasting is the term used to describe the situation in which each notification emitted by a single observable is received by multiple observers. Whether or not an observable is capable of multicasting depends upon whether that observable is hot or cold.

Hot and cold observables are characterised by where the producer of the observable’s notifications is created. In his article Hot vs. Cold Observables, Ben Lesh discusses the differences in detail, and the differences can be summarised as follows:

  • An observable is cold if the producer of its notifications is created whenever an observer subscribes to the observable. For example, a timer observable is cold; each time a subscription is made, a new timer is created.
  • An observable is hot if the producer of its notifications is not created each time an observer subscribes to the observable. For example, an observable created using fromEvent is hot; the element that produces the events exists in the DOM — it’s not created when the observer is subscribed.

Cold observables are unicast, as each observer receives notifications from the producer that was created when the observer subscribed.

Hot observables are multicast, as each observer receives notifications from the same producer.

Sometimes, it’s desirable to have multicast behaviour with a source observable that is cold, and RxJS includes a class that makes this possible: the Subject.

A subject is both an observable and an observer. By subscribing observers to a subject and then subscribing the subject to a cold observable, a cold observable can be made hot. RxJS includes subjects primarily for this purpose; in his On the Subject of Subjects article, Ben Lesh states that:

[multicasting] is the primary use case for Subjects in RxJS.

Let’s look at an example:

import { defer, Observable, of, Subject } from "rxjs";

const source = defer(() => of(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)));

const subject = new Subject<number>();

The examples in this article use the following utility function to create named observers:

function observer(name: string) {
  return {
    next: (value: number) => console.log(`observer ${name}: ${value}`),
    complete: () => console.log(`observer ${name}: complete`)

The source in the example is cold. Each time an observer subscribes to the source, the factory function passed to defer will create an observable that emits a random number and then completes.

To multicast the source, the observers are subscribed to the subject, and the subject is then subscribed to the source. The source will see only one subscription, will produce only one next notification — containing the random number — and will produce only one complete notification. The subject will send those notifications to its observers and the output will look something like this:

observer a: 42
observer b: 42
observer a: complete
observer b: complete

The example can be used as a basic mental model for RxJS multicasting: a source observable; a subject subscribed to the source; and multiple observers subscribed to the subject.

The multicast operator and connectable observables

RxJS includes a multicast operator that can be applied to an observable to make it hot. The operator encapsulates the infrastructure that’s involved when a subject is used to multicast an observable.

Before looking at the multicast operator, let’s replace the subject in the above example with a naive implementation of a multicast function:

import { Observable, Subject } from "rxjs";

function multicast<T>(source: Observable<T>) {
  const subject = new Subject<T>();
  return subject;

const m = multicast(source);

With this change, the example’s output is this:

observer a: complete
observer b: complete

Which isn’t what’s wanted. Subscribing the subject inside the function sees the subject receive the next and complete notifications before the observers are subscribed — so the observers receive only a complete notification.

For this to be avoidable, the caller of any function that connects the multicasting infrastructure needs to be able to control when the subject subscribes to the source. RxJS’s multicast operator enables this by returning a special type of observable: a ConnectableObservable.

A connectable observable encapsulates the multicasting infrastructure, but does not immediately subscribe to the source. It subscribes to the source when its connect method is called.

Let’s change the example to use the multicast operator:

import { defer, Observable, of, Subject } from "rxjs";
import { multicast } from "rxjs/operators;

const source = defer(() =>
  of(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100))

const m = source.pipe(multicast(new Subject<number>()));

With this change, the next notifications are now received by the observers:

observer a: 54
observer b: 54
observer a: complete
observer b: complete

When connect is called, the subject passed to the multicast operator is subscribed to the source and the subject’s observers receive the multicast notifications — which fits our basic mental model of RxJS multicasting.

Connectable observables have another mechanism that can be used to determine when subscriptions to the source are made: the refCount operator.

refCount is a special operator: it can only be applied to a ConnectableObservable. As its name suggests, refCount returns an observable that maintains a reference count of the subscriptions that have been made.

When an observer is subscribed to the reference-counted observable, the reference count is incremented and if the prior reference count was zero, the multicasting infrastructure’s subject is subscribed to the source observable. And when an observer is unsubscribed, the reference count is decremented and if the reference count drops to zero, the subject is unsubscribed from the source.

Let’s change the example to use the refCount operator:

const m = source.pipe(multicast(new Subject<number>()), refCount());

With this change, the output is something like this:

observer a: 42
observer a: complete
observer b: complete

Only the first observer receives a next notification. Let’s look at why.

The source observable in the example emits its notifications immediately. That is, as soon as a subscription is made, the source emits a next notification and then a complete notification and the complete notification results in the first observer unsubscribing before the second has subscribed. When the first unsubscribes, the reference count drops to zero and the multicasting infrastructure’s subject is unsubscribed from the source.

When the second observer subscribes, the subject is again subscribed to the source, but the subject has already received a complete notification and subjects cannot be reused.

Passing a subject factory function to multicast will solve the problem:

const m = source.pipe(
  multicast(() => new Subject<number>()),

With this change, a subject is created each time a subscription is made to the source observable, and the output is something like this:

observer a: 42
observer a: complete
observer b: 54
observer b: complete

Because the source observable emits its notifications immediately, the observers receive separate notifications. If the source is modified so that the notifications are delayed:

const source = defer(() => of(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)).pipe(delay(0)));

The observers will receive multicast notifications and the output will look something like this:

observer a: 42
observer b: 42
observer a: complete
observer b: complete

To summarise, the examples have shown that the multicast operator:

  • encapsulates multicasting that fits our mental model;
  • provides a connect method that can be used to determine when the subscription to the source is made;
  • supports a refCount operator that can be used to automatically manage subscriptions to the source observable; and
  • if refCount is used, a subject factory function should be specified — instead of a Subject instance.

Let’s now look at the publish and share operators — and their variants — to see how they build upon what the multicast operator provides.

The publish operator

Let’s use the following example to look at the publish operator:

import { concat, defer, Observable, of } from "rxjs";
import { delay, publish } from "rxjs/operators";

function random() {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);

const source = concat(
  defer(() => of(random())),
  defer(() => of(random())).pipe(delay(1))

const p = source.pipe(publish());
setTimeout(() => p.subscribe(observer("c")), 10);

The example’s source observable immediately emits a random number, then after a short delay emits another random number and completes. The example will allow us to look at what happens with observers that subscribe before connect is called, after connect is called and after the published observable completes.

The publish operator is a thin wrapper around the multicast operator. It calls multicast, passing a Subject.

The example’s output will be something like this:

observer a: 42
observer a: 54
observer b: 54
observer a: complete
observer b: complete
observer c: complete

The notifications received by the observables can be summarised as follows:

  • a subscribes before the connect call, so it receives both of the next notifications and the complete notification;
  • b subscribes after the connect call, by which time the first, immediate next notification has already been emitted, so it receives only the second next notification and the complete notification;
  • c subscribes after the source observable has completed, so it receives only acomplete notification.

If the example is changed to use refCount instead of connect:

const p = source.pipe(publish(), refCount());
setTimeout(() => p.subscribe(observer("c")), 10);

The example’s output will be something like this:

observer a: 42
observer a: 54
observer b: 54
observer a: complete
observer b: complete
observer c: complete

The output will be similar to that received when connect was used. Why?

Observable b does not receive the first next notification because the source’s first next notification is immediate, so that notification is received only by a.

Observable c subscribes after the published observable completes, so the subscription reference count will have dropped to zero and another subscription to the source will be made. However, publish passes a subject to multicast — not a factory function — and subjects cannot be reused, so observable c receives only acomplete notification.

The publish operator — and the multicast operator, too — takes an optional selector function and the operator’s behaviour differs significantly if the function is specified. This is covered in more detail in a separate article: multicast’s Secret.

Specialised subjects

The publish operator has several variants and they all wrap multicast in a similar manner, passing subjects rather than factory functions. However, they pass different kinds of subjects.

The specialised subjects that the publish variants use include:

  • the BehaviorSubject;
  • the ReplaySubject; and
  • the AsyncSubject.

The answer to questions regarding where — or how — these specialised subjects should be used is: whenever you require behaviour similar to that of the publish variant that’s associated with the specialised subject. Let’s look at how the variants behave.

The publishBehavior operator

Instead of passing a Subject to multicast, publishBehavior passes a BehaviorSubject. A BehaviorSubject is similar to a Subject, but if a subscription is made to the subject before the source observable emits a next notification, the subject emits a next notification containing its initial value.

Let’s change the example to briefly delay the random-number-generating source so that it does not immediately emit a random number:

const delayed = timer(1).pipe(switchMapTo(source));
const p = delayed.pipe(publishBehavior(-1));
setTimeout(() => p.subscribe(observer("c")), 10);

The example’s output will be something like this:

observer a: -1
observer b: -1
observer a: 42
observer b: 42
observer a: 54
observer b: 54
observer a: complete
observer b: complete
observer c: complete

The notifications received by the observables can be summarised as follows:

  • a subscribes before the connect call, so it receives a next notification with subject’s initial value, both of the next notifications from the source and the complete notification;
  • b subscribes after the connect call, but before the subject receives the source’s first next notification, so it receives a next notification with subject’s initial value, both of the next notifications from the source and the complete notification;
  • c subscribes after the source observable has completed, so it receives only acomplete notification.

The publishReplay operator

Instead of passing a Subject to multicast, publishReplay passes a ReplaySubject. As its name suggests, a ReplaySubject will replay the specified number of next notifications whenever an observer subscribes.

const p = source.pipe(publishReplay(1));
setTimeout(() => p.subscribe(observer("c")), 10);

Using publishReplay, the example’s output will be something like this:

observer a: 42
observer b: 42
observer a: 54
observer b: 54
observer a: complete
observer b: complete
observer c: 54
observer c: complete

The notifications received by the observables can be summarised as follows:

  • a subscribes before the connect call, at which stage the subject has received no next notifications, so a receives both of the next notifications from the source and the complete notification;
  • b subscribes after the connect call, at which stage the subject has received the first next notification from the source, so b receives the replayed next notification, the source’s second next notification and the complete notification;
  • c subscribes after the source observable has completed, so it receives a replayed next notification and acomplete notification.

Looking at the behaviour of observable c, it’s clear that — unlike the publish operator — the publishReplay operator is suited for use with the refCount operator, as observers subscribing after the source completes will receive the replayed next notifications.

The publishLast operator

Instead of passing a Subject to multicast, publishLast passes an AsyncSubject. The AsyncSubject is the most unusual of the specialised subjects. It does not emit a next notification until it completes, at which time it emits the last next notification it received from the source observable — if it has received one — and a complete notification.

const p = source.pipe(publishLast());
setTimeout(() => p.subscribe(observer("c")), 10);

Using publishLast, the example’s output will be something like this:

observer a: 54
observer b: 54
observer a: complete
observer b: complete
observer c: 54
observer c: complete

The notifications received by the observables can be summarised as follows:

  • a and b subscribe before the source completes, but receive no notifications until the source has completed, at which time they receive a next notification containing the second random number and a complete notification.
  • c subscribes after the source has completed and it, too, receives a next notification containing the second random number and a complete notification.

Like publishReplay, the publishLast operator is suited for use with the refCount operator, as observers subscribing after the source completes will receive the last next notification.

The share operator

The share operator is similar to using the publish and refCount operators. However, share passes a factory function to multicast, which means that when a subscription is made after the reference count drops to zero, a new Subject will be created and subscribed to the source observable.

The use of a factory function makes observables composed using share retry-able: if an error occurs, any subscribers are unsubscribed and the reference count drops to zero. If retried, re-subscription will see a new Subject created which will subscribe to the source. With observables composed using publish, this will not happen: the Subject will simply re-emit the error notification.

const s = source.pipe(share());
setTimeout(() => s.subscribe(observer("c")), 10);

Using share, the example’s output will be something like this:

observer a: 42
observer a: 54
observer b: 54
observer a: complete
observer b: complete
observer c: 6
observer c: 9
observer c: complete

The notifications received by the observables can be summarised as follows:

  • a subscribes and immediately the first next notification, followed by the second next notification and the complete notification;
  • b receives only the second next notification and the complete notification;
  • c subscribes after the source observable has completed; a new subject is created and subscribed to the source, from which it immediately receives the first next notification, followed by the second next notification and the complete notification.

In the examples we’ve used to look at the publish and share operators, observers a and b are unsubscribed automatically when the source observable completes. They would also be unsubscribed automatically if the source were to error. That highlights another difference between the publish and share operators:

  • if the source observable errors, any future subscriber to the observable returned by publish will receive the error;
  • however, any future subscriber to the observable returned by share will effect a new subscription to the source, as the error will have automatically unsubscribed any subscribers, dropping the reference count to zero.

And that’s it; we’re at the end. We’ve looked at six operators, but they are all implemented in a similar manner and they all fit the same basic mental model: a source observable; a subject subscribed to the source; and multiple observers subscribed to the subject.

This article looked briefly at the refCount operator. For a more in-depth look, see RxJS: How to Use refCount.

This article was updated — in December, 2019 — to use RxJS-version-6 examples, etc.

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Mostly articles about RxJS, TypeScript and React.

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